Category Archives: Family

Homeschooling French with Confidence

This is a momentous week for me. Today my daughter is beginning to homeschool my oldest grandson, who is five years old. I am so excited for them as they begin their adventure!

While my daughter is among the most fearless young women I know, she still admitted to being a little nervous about taking on the task of home education.

Having been homeschooled herself, she is looking forward to having fun making homemade volcanos, working on art and crafts, and playing with math facts.

She also remembers that being homeschooled allowed her to get the academic learning done early in the day, leaving lots of time to play outdoors, imagine, and be creative.

She is excited to be able to give her children the same rich, positive experience.

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keep your kids busy at home

Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy at Home

You love your kids, but you know they’ll drive you crazy if you let them. It’s not easy to deal with your children each and every day when you’re homeschooling. Sometimes it can feel like you just never get a break.

You hate to see them sit in front of the TV or computer all day long, but you also hate to hear them whine about being bored.

As a parent, you have the responsibility to teach your children how to occupy their time in fun and productive ways.

Use these ideas to keep your Continue reading

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